There are dates like no others that you will remember forever. I believe that those dates are those which shape our destiny. I believe they were footsteps toward my inner gemme. Or some would call my purpose, or my destiny.
January 16th 2023 was one of those footsteps. I can recall again the feeling of relief and joy when I booked the online hypnotherapy sessions with Alexandre Lockert. I know now when my heart is telling me that was the right decision to make.
I already knew Alexandre as he was also my professor in the French Institute of Ericksonian and Humanistic Hypnosis.
I felt safe with him and was happy to let him guide me through this healing journey.
Talking to a hypnotherapist is a bit different from a classical therapist. You don’t spend so much time on dwelling on the why is the problem. Even if I was convinced that I was fully goal oriented, I noticed that Alexandre was smoothly asking me again and again: ok, so what do you want?
His job was to make me realise what was my goal, not the reason I was in pain.
As a first session he listened to my situation. I gave it abruptly and I already had some targets in mind. My first one was to heal this anger issue, and the second most important one was to heal that generational inheritage that I knew I received from my mum.
Arriving to a point where the odds were very small that I ended up in the same marriage structure, the same kind of inner feelings and the same number of kids was unbelievable.
I went to marry a guy from a complete different country and culture. I didn’t expect to live exactly the same kind of scenario.
I tell my story to Alexandre, and he says this: “ Our Life is the perfect reflexion of the program in our subconscious mind”
No Sh***!!
How did it even happen?
The answer is in the eyes, not in the ears guys!
My subconscious mind simply recorded how my mother felt, acted and did. Not what she was teaching me.
The subconscious mind records what he sees, and he sees feelings too guys!
How do you explain the saying that we cannot lie to kids? They know.
My kids knew before me what kind of man was one my business partners. I remember noticing that they didn’t want to say hello to him. Stared at him. Kept their eyes wide open as signal to him: we see you buddy! No BS!
The kids know instantly what is the heart of adults. This is why when they love someone it is because they hear his or her inner music. Period. No BS with the kids.
I am talking normal regular kids. Not those with deep emotional damage issues that reflect a personality disorder.
Yes because, the disorder can start at a very early age. I saw it and it is obviously due to the family background.
In all cases, we print in the brain what we see.
Everybody knows that you give better example acting as you say then telling what to do.
How come that the values are shared from parents to their kids. Because the values are the structure of the belief system. I believe, so I value that. It structures the emotional system.
So if you are coming from a family that doesn’t process anger with healthy boundaries and communication techniques. Don’t blame the kids, just watch the tree.
The apples never fall far from the tree!
Back to Alexandre. I was still at the beginning of my training to become a hypnotherapist. At that time I didn’t even know where to go with this skills set.
Alexandre suggests a strategy. Because there were multiple goals. But he suggested to start with the family Loyalty issue. This is how he called it.
I am loyal to my family. As if a kid by loyalty doesn’t want to succeed more than his parents.
I am my family. I need their love. Otherwise I cannot survive.
We cannot survive without being loved. This is my biggest discovery. We simply cannot. Love is like oxygen. We cannot live without breathing.
Now, we might find love other than human love. It can be the love of an animal. It can be the love of a tree.
Vegetals are alive. There you can understand how people feel so fulfilled in nature.
It is not because I don’t speak tree language that I cannot feel the love of it.
How many of you have hugged a tree and felt rejuvenated?
It’s like hugging a baby. Okay a baby is much more powerful love giving than a tree. Maybe. I am not really sure about that. What do you think?
We decide together to focus on my relationship with my parents first, than we will deal with anger.
We start the technique and he tells me that he is going to use Humanistic Hypnosis. Using a gamma frequency which means putting me in hyperconsciousness mode.
That was the very first time I try this technique.
The thing about gamma frequency is that you feel automatically smarter. You are in a state of mindfulness. You get ideas you wouldn’t get that easily otherwise. I felt super connected to my soul, to my heart. And I saw brightly the images in my mind. I was super focus.
And the icing on the cake is about the energy I felt. I was feeling super enthusiastic. Like the sun had popped up into my chest.
During this session he asks me to bring my parents next to me.
And he gives me time to say in my mind what I needed to tell theme everything I felt. Everything that was on my chest. And he asked me what kind of attachement is physically bonding us?
I saw 2 big ropes tightly knotted with both my parents. And I had a prisoner weight on my foot.
So he made me listen to what they had to say about my feelings.
The point was to arrive to breaking this bond of suffering that linked me to both of them. This memory of suffering had no more room to stay if I wanted to change my life. So I asked them to set me free and to let forgiveness take place. Simply then, the ropes were cut by me, and I could see them go with peace.
At that time my father was already dead, so seeing him again was emotional.
Everything took part in my imagination. Eyes closed, sitting on a chair and facing my zoom session with Alexandre who was just guiding me with the symbolic meaning of what I saw. He could drive me to places in my imagination so that the emotional reparation could take place in a favorable process.
It took less than an hour, and we agreed on continuing in an another session the next week.
I remember that I felt completely different during the 2 next weeks. At first, I felt tired. As if I did a huge workout. I needed rest. I needed to slow down a bit.
Working on a quantum level. As this is it, you change the structure of your quantum field. As now science has proved it. We are all energy. And quantum is simply the nuclear part of each parts of our energy. I decided to change the narrative of my subconscious. Consequently, it led me to feel free of emotions that weren’t mine, only those that I lived with.
In the second session, I wanted to work on the financial part. I will call it the desperate wife syndrome: broke and still carrying working for no income. And my surprise is that we did the same, in a gamma frequency mode, he asked me to bring all the women of my family till my great grand mothers. Because, guess what: they all had the same issue. So I asked them to free me for this burden. And asked their permission to let me feel differently and live my life differently without this suffering. I could see and feel my grand mother Aicha, my father’s mum. Who had 17 pergnancies and a very difficult life, though she was extremely intelligent and known to be very beautiful. I could see how proud she was to see me do that. I could feel their blessings. That session was also very emotional.
Now I was feeling really lighter. I can feel something has changed in me. I do not know what but it is undeniable. There is a smell of hope around me.
Comes the 3rd session. It is time, Alexandre says, let’s deal with the anger issue. This time he starts the session and I feel my body moving without my consent. I know it now, when I go into a theta mode, and ericksonian hypnosis, my body moves unexpectedly. My head turns, or my arm starts lifting up. When I am in this Altered state of consciousness, it is common to acknowledge physical signs of transe. There are also in the gamma frequency but not the same uncontrolled moves. In this state, Alexandre wants to change an emotional memory. And it can be quiet impressive with the theta mode.
In the humanistic hypnosis, especially with the advanced symbolic therapy techniques, it is very efficient as a psychotherapy process.
So I go into this theta transe, and Alexandre asks me to go see my inner child. So I meet my younger me. A child who appears red. Super angry. And he asks me to talk to the child and try to understand why she is in this emotional state.
And I go talking to the child, eyes closed, in my mind, I listen to her.
She tells me that nobody listens to her. That she can see that they are jealous, and that they don’t love her.
I could feel with this statement:’”they don’t love her”, she is speaking about conditional love.
This is the magic behind the ASC mode. You know deep In your heart what emotions are involved. You feel the emotional memory. So you understand what is at stake.
This is the point of mindfulness. When you meditate it is to reach that kind of consciousness. To be in touch with emotions that give you that awareness.
The moment you acknowledge those feelings, calm comes back. Peace comes back. Serenity comes back.
So I took the child in my arms. Told her I love her, after listening to everything she wanted to tell me. As I would do with my proper child.
I told her that she is safe now and that she can count on me now. I am here for her. She can count on me.
I played with her. Changed her clothes. Took care of her as my own child.
The child became normally coloured. I hugged her again and let her go.
At the end of the session, I realised that this inner child didn’t have the chance before that day to be heard by any adult. And those feelings kept on adding up, like a bill that you never took care of. It’s like an emotional debt that stays buried inside your body. It was there for so long. And it needed to be cleared.
It needed just few minutes of ASC mode, to clear the bill. Reset the program and start back again.
At the end of the session I am feeling satisfied as if the job has been done.
This is it about hypnosis. You ask for a change. You ask the permission of your subconscious mind to change the emotional memory. You ask him to do it safely, comfortably, easily and always in your best and highest good. The technical word for that security button is using a fuse. As per putting safety in the house electricity system. You don’t need any of that safety in the Gamma frequency mode. If you are tuned well into it you will never suppress for example a symbole that is not safe for you. And either way if you are not in the ASC mode, there is no impact.
It’s like asking chat GPT, go find me a solution to that problem. Except that the human brain is so much more complexe. With a 100 billions neurons connected, the human brain surpasses way far any artificial intelligence.
Thus, asking such a powerful computer to find solutions give you a chance to save a lot of time. And time, we will agree is our wealth in this life. You got time, you are rich my friend.
You got health and time, you are the richest man on earth.
I weigh my words very carefully. In this optic of clearing as simply as that, your suffering, your emotional wounds, choosing the level of confidence you wanna reach…well than you understand that there is only one thing you cannot get back: time.
Let’s say, you are in quiet a good shape. Mental and physical wellbeing is on your hands. You can control it.
Time, No.
So the choice of how I use that time is crucial to what outcome I want in my life. Do I want to keep struggling, feeling the pain of an invisible missing arm, or do I want to build my dream life.
One thing that my sweet saudi has brought me to consider and to understand better is the notion of patience.
At some point, patience has brought right to me the exact experience I asked for to Understanding my inner engine.
I will tell you why. Right after the 3rd session. I remember it was a Wednesday evening. Then the Friday morning comes, I wake up in a very sad mood. For a whole day, I kept crying. I couldn’t restrain myself from crying…and that was the emotion behind the anger. Grief was underneath the anger.
It was a special week, as right after, I had the most incredible experience when joining a class of Flamenco in my favorite gym.
This has led me to discover how powerful the human mind could be.
I will tell you more about it next week in a very special episode. This time with a special guest. A very peculiar saudi lady.
Thank you for you attention,
Have a wonderful day,
I love you all,