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lamia pabion

Why am I doing all this?

Somedays, it seems harder than others. Harder to carry on with the same enthusiasm, because, it’s true, it is sometimes freaking hard to smile and to hope when everybody is telling you to drop off. 

Drop it lamia, humans are naturally cynical, lazy, greedy, dumb, unethical…blablabla.

Drop it lamia, men are all like this, don’t bother. No couples stay in love till the end. There is never a happily ever after.

Drop it lamia, kids are super ungrateful. Don’t do too much! They will never recognise how much sacrifices you made.

Drop it lamia, the world is falling apart. The climat is changing. The crisis…blablabla…it always ends up in wars.

And then….comes Eddy the eagle!

And then…comes Rosa Parks!

And then comes….Mohamed…all the mohamed….

I will tell you what….it always ends up with what you decide to believe in.

Weather you decide to believe in hope…or you decide to let the outside music dictates what is supposed to happen.

About that, what is freaking supposed to happen guys! 

Me dying! Oh that’s it…only that. Ok so, that is put aside. We are all going to die. Aren’t we?


when is it going to happen? 

Nobody knows. It might be today, or tomorrow or in 40 years. 

Ok, next. 

If I have a certain amount of time…better to find out what is ok to do with me.

Because I noticed my dear brothers and sisters:  Not everybody likes chocolate ice cream. There are multiple flavours. 

My son doesn’t like chocolate. I don’t hate him for that. I don’t care actually. It Doesn’t make me choose another flavour. I might try what he picked, but I will end up choosing for myself.

Ok now that I know which flavour I like that anyways I need to enjoy that ice cream because it might be the last one today, or forever…

What else should I worry about?

I tell you what guys: no freaking nothing! 

I just need to spot where is the chocolate ice cream truck. I need to stick with willy Wonka!

He said come with me in his world of pure imagination! 

Hell yeah I’m going. Why would I stick with the lousy guys who end up making me feel like a shewing gum. 

Why would I listen to anybody who feels actually sad, unmotivated, angry, bitter. 

Hell no!

Ok then.. 

The key is in there: It takes only one guy who made it to believe in it. 

It is then a game of belief. 

That’s it. Your brain algorithm is wired on a belief system.

You believe: it happens. You don’t believe: it doesn’t happen.

Simple. Basic, automatic.

This is the games’ rules! This is how the human brain works.

It has nothing to do with reality. Reality is a very dangerous word that keeps people stuck. 

If reality really was a thing. There would never be a guy to invent elevators! Seriously. And I am not even mentioning the moon trip. 

We think our brain believes it because it is what we see. We see the outside world and that means it is true.

That is absolutely not how the brain works. 

First rule guys! Reality is what you believe is.


How come that in the same family you have a guy who is super successful and another one who is doomed. Nothing works for him?

How come that in the same community, you have people we say they are lucky and others who are unlucky?

How come that in the same country, you have people who are extremely clever and others that are not?

How come that you have couples that live in happy harmonious relationship and others who are living in hell?

It has nothing to do with the gender, it has nothing to do with race, it has freaking nothing to do with age….

It is always related to you belief.

This is how, you end up having different beliefs systems regarding some communities. 

Because , rule number 2 guys: your beliefs are the absolute consequence of your habits.

If you are part of a group. You end up using the same habits. 

How come that you have different kind of cuisine depending on some communities. I cannot manage to have 2 kids enjoying the same type of cuisine. Can you imagine a whole country sticking with the same taste? Naaaaah!

And don’t tell me it is related to the climate and the area you are located in. 

Yes it has an influence, but the group you are sticking with is more impactful on you then the geography. 

And we end up, usually, choosing the same kind of people. The same kind of communities. With the same language, the same habits. So it comforts the belief system. 

And I am not speaking about spiritual belief. This Is a higher level in the structural brain system. Spirituality is tapping into the highest neurological structural level. It is related to the 6 th belonging level. 

The friction comes when we mix up our neurological levels. It’s a pyramidal structure. You can find the whole explanation through the work explained by Robert Dilts and the pyramidal neurological levels of our mind. There are in total 6 levels. It starts at the bottom with the environment level, what is outside us. Above that one is our behavioural level, which is topped by our emotional level, then comes our values and beliefs level, that is immediately followed by our identity level and at the very last, you have the spiritual level. Sometimes the last level is not used. Then the identity level comes at the top of the pyramid. 

You see, the functioning of that pyramid is simply geometrically explained. You start build the first level, and you add up the other levels. So you can see clearly that our environment has a huge impact on how we behave, what we choose for the next levels. And especially, the one that composes our belief system. 

Hence, the metaphor of mowgli.

Funny right. 

Maybe the pyramids are just a metaphorical structure to teach us something extremly valuable.

It is always about the metaphor. Never about the story. 

Back to the pyramid. 

My belief structures my identity. If I mess up with what I believe, I am going to set a set of characteristics to my personality. 

If I only know myself to be a smart logical person. I am going to show a personality with great intelligence. I am going to show up to myself as somebody who knows things. But if I couple this belief with knowing what happened in the past as a cyclical system of bahviors, am gonna end up believing that the human race is logically expected to fail. 

It is logical. It is mathematical!

You ca even draw the graph. It is expected, calculated. History has made its point.

So this guy with that level of cleverness is most probably going to deal with a great matter of sadness. Depression. Despair. You see the game. Checkmate man! It is doomed. You can’t change the system. Or you will face a big deal of trouble. You might die sooner. It’s a logical risk. 

You see. Intelligence, or what we call high level of logic is not necessary a pass to a happy, serene, not even lucky life.

You might end up playing a very good game of chess. But you will not be immunised from anxiety. And certainly not from depression.

I would say, you are most likely to fall into it in a very early age.

Okay then. That being said. I will tell you something that I noticed always drives people who end up changing their lives. They all share the same sentence method.

It’s a method. As it is related to a habit. Therefore a belief system.

The sentence is: roll of drums please!


Let me say it again:



Simple, direct, very efficient.

If you accept the suggestion that the world is a piece of difficult environment. Well, most probably you will end up feeling that way everyday.

If you believe that life is fun. You will end up following people, habits and stories that follow your belief system.

And guess who is in charge of your belief system: you! 

You are. We are!

Simple. Basic. Easy.

You need to control what you believe. 

And don’t mix it with spirituality. Spirituality is in a higher level. Spirituality has a purpose. It is a powerful level of command. You clear this logical level. You master your life into a peace level. It’s like becoming the sun. Literally. 

And it is easy to understand. When you are clear that level. You reach a level of compassion. A level of mercy and love that is so deep. So pure, you become a master of unconditional love. 

That my friends, you will agree, there are very few people who reached that stage.

And not because it is impossible.

Because we don’t understand what is our real nature. We don’t use our brain in it’s optimum way.

Because we simply believe that it is impossible.

Basta. We choose to believe it is not possible to reach that level. So we shoot ourselves. We shoot our own foot.

Game over.

The game is a game of belief. It is not a game of logic. 

I like this definition about logic: it is a system or set of principles underlying the arrangements of elements in a computer or electronic device so as to perform a specified task.

A machine is highly logical. A computer is known to be logical. You program A you get B. So it is logical to expect a B.

Like gravity. It is highly logical.

But quantum physics shoots into this system. Quantum physics is a believing system machination. What I believe I see becomes reality. 

That shoots the system of gravity. Or makes it secondary. 

I am not saying gravity doesn’t exist. Gravity is related to causality. A becomes B. 

But what if B was always there. 

What if what we see falling is actually spiralling or simply getting up. The perspective shifts the conclusion. 

The reason I am telling you all this story is that the only question we need to ask ourselves is simple.

What do I choose to believe in?

If your life is difficult. Don’t blame it on anybody. It has nothing to do with a responsible A that caused B. It is just a belief that B is tuned on a belief: life is difficult.

There is another lie that we tell ourselves: a belief that causes us to resent others who succeed in their lives. A belief that causes us to feel jealous.  And I guess those who provoke us this reaction are simply those who smile, Who are happy, joyful. 

The belief that we cannot do it. 

A disbelief in ourselves. So deeply engrained. That we can only be angry, resentful about anybody who reaches his goals.

And that also is just a belief.

The good news: we can change our belief in ourselves. We truly can.

It is pure science. It is neuro scientifically proved.

You just need to reprogram the machine. You just need to choose to believe in something that will bring you what you want.

It requires you to change your belief system.

And that my friends is why I do what I do. I believe we can create a life of ease, of compassion, of loving people. I believe that we all can live in a simple loving fun way.

I believe in the ultimate power of a genuine smile. I believe that a smile can heal anybody from any pain. 

I experienced hell…and I came out of it. I simply couldn’t accept it. Because accepting it would have automatically killed me, and that was not an option. 

I experienced hell and a smily face brought me out of it just by having that smile 5 minutes a day!

A loving smile! 

We can choose to believe in smiles. If we choose to believe in ourselves, our true natural smiling power….

that is game over for despair my friends!

So what do you choose to believe in?

Hope or pure joy? 

It is your decision to make. 

I love you all,

And I believe in you as I believe in the sun is our destination. 

Have a wonderful day my dear brothers and sisters, should you come from mars or venus, we all come from the same solar system!

Arriverdercci !


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